Friday, 27 May 2011


Oops the last post was supposed to have gone down aaaages ago!
But now that I've sorted out all my issues (gmail login and links) and also Second life has become stable instead of stuffing up my whole computer, I can finally post stuff.

Yesterday I finally made my teleporter from Amy's structure, out to my big stand thing. Took aages but it now works!

Went through my journals again and finally found "Frame." It was in the special collections area of the General Library- no wonder why I didn't find it last term!

Anyhow, back to SL. Fun times ahead

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Quaderns d'arquitectura i urbanisme.
The Classicist.

I have returned!

For all purposes involving the past, present and future- I was away, out of the world and have now returned to continue my blogging... about stuff we gotta do in Architectural studies..... woo.