Monday, 1 August 2011

"Waking up" to me (constant editing)

30-07-2011: I would imagine ‘waking up’ as a flower opening up its’ petals at dawn. This is a circadian process and occurs every day for some flowers. It’s called Nyctinasty and happens to conserve heat during the cold of the night.

Just like our project, the amount of traffic flow (both vehicular and pedestrians) depends on the time of day. So, as our 1:100 site is located, there will be varying degress of traffic flow dependent on the time- hence noise, light and general activity will be less during the night and more during the day.

31-07-2011: I imagine my cocoon as being pointing in a direction of importance too (to be worked on), just as the flowers are pointing towards the sun (sunflowers).

01-08-2011: So, my project will be one of a cocoon opening up, quickly, allowing the person sight, audio etc from the outside world, but as he/she leaves will return back to its original form. Something with lots of movement.

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